The ADHD Manual Podcast
The ADHD Manual: How to survive with a colorful brain in a black and white world. Living with ADHD in a world built for neurotypicals (people with the most common brains) is like trying to follow an IKEA assembly manual for our Hot Wheels race car track pieces. We could toss this rocket launcher and buy crappy plastic pins. Or we could toss the manual and write our own.
The ADHD Manual Podcast
Nitty Gritty Fertility | Chapter Four: How to Support Your Queer Friends
Episode 60
Happy New Year! People often ask us how they can offer support as we're trying to start a family. So we are back with some ideas on how you can help your queer loved ones who are trying to conceive.
Current legislation concerning family building equality (via RESOLVE)
Extended video episodes available on Patreon
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theadhdmanual.com | theadhdmanual@gmail.com