The ADHD Manual Podcast
The ADHD Manual: How to survive with a colorful brain in a black and white world. Living with ADHD in a world built for neurotypicals (people with the most common brains) is like trying to follow an IKEA assembly manual for our Hot Wheels race car track pieces. We could toss this rocket launcher and buy crappy plastic pins. Or we could toss the manual and write our own.
Podcasting since 2020 • 74 episodes
The ADHD Manual Podcast
Latest Episodes
It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later
Hello my beloveds. I'm here to let you know that The ADHD Manual Podcast is going on hiatus. I have simply too many ideas that I want to develop, so the pod is taking a break while I work on breathing new life into TAM. I will be ba...
Episode 74

Ask Abby: Time Perception & ADHD
Today I'm here with something different: a listener interviews me about time blindness/time perception differences in ADHD and how loved ones can support ADHDers struggling with it. Thank you for joining me Laura! If you want to...
Episode 73

August Hate Campaign
TW: medical trauma, gaslighting, death/mortality Six years ago this week, I almost died. And for some reason, that still bothers me?? So today I spend some time unpacking how trauma recovery might look for the neurospicy. <...
Episode 72