The ADHD Manual Podcast
The ADHD Manual: How to survive with a colorful brain in a black and white world. Living with ADHD in a world built for neurotypicals (people with the most common brains) is like trying to follow an IKEA assembly manual for our Hot Wheels race car track pieces. We could toss this rocket launcher and buy crappy plastic pins. Or we could toss the manual and write our own.
The ADHD Manual Podcast
Ask Abby: Easing Transitions
Episode 70
Today I answer a question about how to ease transitions for yourself and/or your neurodivergent children.
For time, I ended up cutting a section in which I talk more about how task switching involves every executive function. If that interests you, check out the full episode on Patreon.
Here's everything else I've written and recorded on executive functions.
Check out this article on ADDitude for more suggestions on helping kids with transitions.
Extended video episodes available on Patreon
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theadhdmanual.com | theadhdmanual@gmail.com